MTW - Endoskopie
Endoscopic instruments MTW Endoskopie.
Company MTW Endoskopie (Medizinische Technische Werke) was founded in 1975 in Wesel in Germany, located near Duesseldorf. Since its founding MTW Endoskopie deals exclusively with the development and production of endoscopic instruments. Particular attention is given to the multi-stage system of quality control of her instrument. By the end of 2008 MTW Endoskopie already established offices in 58 countries, including many countries in Europe as well as Russia, Korea, China and Japan.
The product range has more than 1400 models of endoscopic instruments and accessories. The number of regular customers is constantly updated with the world's leading experts in the field of endoscopy. The whole range of tools companies MTW Endoskopie done manually and with German meticulously goes through all stages of strict quality control. Due to this, the probability of defective delivery endoscopic products is reduced to zero.
Strong distinctive feature of MTW Endoskopie - this is not the least, the ability to manufacture exclusive items endoscopic instruments according to the individual needs of physicians.
A list of tools:
- Catheters for ERCP
- papillotomy
- Baskets for removal of stones, balonnye extractors, litotriptory
- plastic implants
- Polipektomicheskie loop
- Biopsy forceps, forceps rektoskopicheskie
- Guides
- Grips for removal of foreign bodies
- needles
- Instruments for bronchoscopy
- accessories